Getting low-cost auto insurance along with helpful service is what everyone wants when shopping for automobile insurance. Anybody who grants a constitutionally registered car in the United States must purchase the state minimum insurance required by law. While we cannot control the laws that regulate car insurance coverage, we can do everything we can to lower car insurance costs.
A typical American family allocates about 3% of their monthly budget towards auto insurance. With a bit of investigation and persistence, you can save hundreds each year on your auto insurance. A few actions that will help make you make better buying decisions, along with suggestions that could save you some serious bucks.
The automobile you drive is one of the prevailing circumstances insurers use to calculate rates. Generally speaking, the more important your car, the higher your rates will be. So if you want to get low-cost auto insurance, you might not wish to get a new Corvette sports car. Conversely, the lower the value of your vehicle, the lower your rates will be most often. The different opinion you should be aware of is the vehicle theft rates for your car.
Did you know that Honda Accords are about as expensive to insure as most Mercedes? This is because they are consistently on the top 10 list of most stolen car models. Also, your car color can prevent automobile thefts and thus might even get you a discount. For example, pink cars and bright yellow cars are rarely targeted by thieves.
If you are purchasing a new auto or nearly new, make sure it has top-of-the-line safety features. Car insurers pay close attention to anti-lock brakes, front and rear curtain airbags, and driver stability systems. These safety innovations have significantly reduced the cause of automobile deaths over the last 15 years and thus reduce the extravagant claims these serious accidents cause.
Safety features are great because they will save you money on car insurance but, more important, also save lives. When you check rates with low-cost car insurance companies, make sure they provide discounts for safety enhancements and alarm systems integrated into your car.
In recent years, several states like Washington, New Jersey, and California have enacted programs to help low-income drivers attain low-cost auto insurance. In January 2015, California introduced a program that is gaining in popularity. To be eligible for lower-cost car insurance, California drivers must meet the following.
Insurance companies work in conjunction with California regulators to provide cheaper auto insurance to those who otherwise could not afford it. An automobile policy sponsored by the state can save drivers 25% or more. However, its real value is getting those who would usually be driving non-insured, legal car insurance. This government, low-income programs have helped create safer roads and freeways for all drivers.
One of the best ways to find low-cost auto insurance is by setting your deductible amounts greater. Your car insurance deductible is something you have control over. Taking a higher deductible, let us say $1,000 or more instead of just $250, will reduce your premiums. Just be aware that you will be responsible for that high initial specific cost in the event you need to file a claim. If you are not a real financial saver but a very safe driver, go for an average automobile deductible of about $500.
Before you check auto insurance rates, perhaps you should look at your credit rating first. Sites like offer free credit scores. If you get a lower-than-expected score, check into what is affecting it and get it removed, if at all possible. Companies place much value on a person’s credit score and consider those with higher scores to be more careful drivers. If you have a good balance score, you are well on your way to getting cheap auto insurance online.
Are you a teacher or a retired military veteran? If you are then, there’s a good chance you will qualify for discounted auto insurance. Another easy way to get lower-cost auto insurance is to bundle all of your cars and home together under one policy. There are bundled discount programs that can save you 15% or more. Other attractive discounts you might qualify for are:
Now that you have learned some helpful ways to find low-cost auto insurance, you are ready to get quotes. You can almost always find the cheapest car insurance rates online. There are special rates available for online shoppers that can save you hundreds over traditional brokers. To find the best policy, get at least ten online car insurance quotes. Get your quote now and lower your car insurance costs.